Kinect v2 SDK C++ - 3. Kinect Point Clouds

Goals: Learn how to align color and depth images to get a colored point cloud.
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There are several new steps we want to take in this tutorial. The most interesting part is that now we're working with 3D data! Creating an interactive system is a bit too much code for us, though, so we just have a simple rotating point cloud. This tutorial has three parts: first, we'll talk briefly about why point clouds are harder than you might think. Then, we'll show the Kinect SDK side of how to get the right data. Finally, we'll show some OpenGL tricks to make things easy to display.


  1. Depth and RGB Coordinate Systems
  2. Kinect Code
  3. OpenGL Display
  4. Putting it all together

Depth and RGB Coordinate Systems

Kinect Coordinate System

The Kinect uses a cartesian coordinate system centered at the Kinect's IR sensor. The positive Y axis points up, the positive Z axis points where the Kinect is pointing, and the positive X axis is to the left. One unit in this coordinate system is equal to one meter.


A naive way of making a point cloud might directly overlap the depth and color images, so that depth pixel (x,y) goes with image pixel (x,y). However, this would give you a poor quality depth map, where the borders of objects don't line up with the colors. This occurs because the RGB camera and the depth camera are located at different spots on the Kinect; obviously, then, they aren't seeing the same things! Normally, we'd have to do some kind of alignment of the two cameras (the formal term is registration) so that we know what color pixel goes with what depth pixel. Fortunately Microsoft can already do this for us, so all we need to do is call the right functions.
Direct overlap of RGB and Depth
Registered RGB and Depth
Note that computer vision and robotics researchers don't like the quality of the built-in registration, so they often do it manually using something like OpenCV.

Kinect Code

There are two new issues that we have to deal with, and correspondingly two new interfaces:

Kinect Initialization

IKinectSensor* sensor;             // Kinect sensor
IMultiSourceFrameReader* reader;   // Kinect data source
ICoordinateMapper* mapper;         // Converts between depth, color, and 3d coordinates

bool initKinect() {
    if (FAILED(GetDefaultKinectSensor(&sensor))) {
        return false;
    if (sensor) {

            FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Depth | FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Color,
        return reader;
    } else {
        return false;
We open the MultiSourceFrameReader by specifying which data we want in our frames. We can also request IR data, body tracking data, and audio data. We don't need to deal with FrameSources separately from FrameReaders.

We also initialize our ICoordinateMapper here.

Getting Data from a MultiSourceFrame

For both the depth data and the color data, we can get the familiar IDepthFrame and IColorFrame from the MultiSourceFrame. Here is the code for the depth data:
void getKinectData() {
    IMultiSourceFrame* frame = NULL;
    // ...
    getDepthData(frame, dest);
    // ...
    getColorData(frame, dest;

void getDepthData(IMultiSourceFrame* frame, GLubyte* dest) {
    IDepthFrame* depthframe;
    IDepthFrameReference* frameref = NULL;
    if (frameref) frameref->Release();
    if (!depthframe) return;

    // Process depth frame data...

    if (depthframe) depthframe->Release();
The code is almost identical for color data; just replace all occurrences of "depth" with "color"

Using the Coordinate Mapper Interface

We are dealing with three different coordinate spaces in this program. We will display one 3D point for every pixel in the depth image. Each of these points will have an RGB color and then an XYZ coordinates. Therefore, we will use the CoordinateMapper to get a lookup table mapping between depth pixel coordinates and 3D point coordinates, and another one mapping between depth pixel coordinates to the corresponding pixel in the color image.
// Global Variables
 For reference:
 struct ColorSpacePoint { float X, Y; };
 struct CameraSpacePoint { float X, Y, Z; };
ColorSpacePoint depth2rgb[width*height];     // Maps depth pixels to rgb pixels
CameraSpacePoint depth2xyz[width*height];    // Maps depth pixels to 3d coordinates

// ...

void getDepthData(IMultiSourceFrame* frame, GLubyte* dest) {
    IDepthFrame* depthframe;
    // Populate depthframe from MultiSourceFrame...

    // Get data from frame
    unsigned int sz;
    unsigned short* buf;
    depthframe->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&sz, &buf);

            width*height, buf,        // Depth frame data and size of depth frame
            width*height, depth2xyz); // Output CameraSpacePoint array and size
            width*height, buf,        // Depth frame data and size of depth frame
            width*height, depth2rgb); // Output ColorSpacePoint array and size
To get the mappings, we call into the appropriate ICoordinateMapper functions. You can find other possible mappings in the ICoordinateMapper documentation Note that most mapping functions require the depth frame as an input array (even the ones that don't start with "DepthFrame" in the name).

Getting depth data from the Kinect

Now that we're dealing with 3D data, we want to imagine the depth frame as a bunch of points in space rather than a 512x424 image. So in our getDepthData function, we will fill in our buffer with the coordinates of each point (instead of the depth at each pixel). This means the buffer we pass into it has to have size width*height*3*sizeof(float) for float typed coordinates. Here, we simply use the depth2xyz map that we got from the CoordinateMapper.
void getDepthData(IMultiSourceFrame* frame, GLubyte* dest) {
// Populate depth2xyz map...
    float* fdest = (float*)dest;
    for (int i = 0; i < width*height i++) {
        *fdest++ = depth2xyz[i].X;
        *fdest++ = depth2xyz[i].Y;
        *fdest++ = depth2xyz[i].Z;
/* We use the fdest pointer for conciseness. Equivalently, we could use
    for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
        fdest[3*i+0] = depth2xyz[i].X;
        fdest[3*i+1] = depth2xyz[i].Y;
        fdest[3*i+2] = depth2xyz[i].Z;

Getting color data from the Kinect

Now that we are thinking about things in terms of points instead of rectangular grids, we want our color output to be associated with a particular depth point. In particular, the input to our getRgbData function, analogously to the getDepthData function, wants a buffer of size width*height*3*sizeof(float) to hold the red, green, and blue values for each point in our point cloud.
void getRgbData(IMultiSourceFrame* frame, GLubyte* dest) {
    IColorFrame* colorframe;

    // Populate colorframe...

    colorframe->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorwidth*colorheight*4, rgbimage, ColorImageFormat_Rgba);

    // Write color array for vertices
    float* fdest = (float*)dest;
    for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
        ColorSpacePoint p = depth2rgb[i];
        // Check if color pixel coordinates are in bounds
        if (p.X < 0 || p.Y < 0 || p.X > colorwidth || p.Y > colorheight) {
            *fdest++ = 0;
            *fdest++ = 0;
            *fdest++ = 0;
        else {
            int idx = (int)p.X + colorwidth*(int)p.Y;
            *fdest++ = rgbimage[4*idx + 0]/255.;
            *fdest++ = rgbimage[4*idx + 1]/255.;
            *fdest++ = rgbimage[4*idx + 2]/255.;
        // Don't copy alpha channel
    /* We use fdest pointer for conciseness; Equivalently, we could use

    for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
        fdest[3*i+0] = ...
        fdest[3*i+1] = ...
        fdest[3*i+2] = ...
In this block, we iterate through the pixels of the depth image, looking up the associated coordinates in the color image using the depth2rgb map we obtained from the CoordinateMapper. We check whether the depth pixel actually projects to a pixel in the RGB image, and if it does not, then we just assign that point a black color.
There's a bit of funny math in those last couple of lines, so let's walk through it. First of all, the color image frame is in RGBA format, one byte per channel, laid out row by row. So the linear index for pixel (x,y) is x + width*y. X and Y can be floating point, so we round them down before using them as an array index by casting to int. Then, the 4-byte block we want is at linearindex*4. Finally, we want to convert from byte-valued (0-255) RGBA into float-valued (0.0-1.0) RGB, so we take the first 3 channels and divide by 255: rgbimage[4*linearindex + channel]/255.f.

OpenGL Display

We're going to use array buffers to display our point cloud. What are array buffers? They let you replace a series of glBegin, glColor, glVertex, glEnd calls with a single function call. As a bonus, the array buffers are stored on the GPU so displaying them is more efficient. They do make the code a bit more complicated, though. Want to skip the array buffers? Go here.

To use array buffers, we have to deal with OpenGL extensions. To make this easier, we use GLEW.

Installing GLEW

  1. Download and unzip the GLEW binaries from
  2. Copy the contents of the Include/ and Lib/ directories you just unzipped into the appropriate Windows SDK directories. e.g.
    • C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0A/Include/ and C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0A/Lib/ for Visual Studio 2010
    • C:/Program Files/Windows Kits (x86)/8.1/Include/um/ and C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.1/Lib/winv6.3/um/ for Visual Studio 2012+
  3. Copy bin/x64/glew32.dll into C:/Windows/System32 and bin/x86/glew32.dll into C:/Windows/SysWOW64. If you have a 32-bit system, just move bin/x86/glew32.dll into C:/Windows/System32
Add glew32.lib to the SDL or OpenGL property sheet's Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies.

OpenGL Code

Since we're dealing with 3D data, we now also have to worry about camera settings. We use a gluPerspective and gluLookAt to deal with that for us.
// Global variables:
GLuint vboId; // Vertex buffer ID
GLuint cboId; // Color buffer ID

// ...
    // OpenGL setup

    // Set up array buffers
    const int dataSize = width*height * 3 * 4;
    glGenBuffers(1, &vboId);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboId);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dataSize, 0, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
    glGenBuffers(1, &cboId);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cboId);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dataSize, 0, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

    // Camera setup
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
    gluPerspective(45, width /(GLdouble) height, 0.1, 1000);
For display purposes, rather than having a fully interactive setup we just have a rotating camera that rotates around the point 3 meters in front of the Kinect. See the code for details.

Putting it all together

We wrote those nice functions getDepthData and getRgbData, but how do we use them? We want to copy the appropriate data from our MultiSourceFrame onto the GPU.
void getKinectData() {
    IMultiSourceFrame* frame = NULL;
    if (SUCCEEDED(reader->AcquireLatestFrame(&frame))) {
        GLubyte* ptr;
        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboId);
        ptr = (GLubyte*)glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY);
        if (ptr) {
            getDepthData(frame, ptr);
        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cboId);
        ptr = (GLubyte*)glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY);
        if (ptr) {
            getRgbData(frame, ptr);
    if (frame) frame->Release();
Now we want to use the glDrawArrays function to draw our point cloud.
void drawKinectData() {


    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboId);
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cboId);
    glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

    glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, width*height);

Note that we could just as well replace all the array buffer code with
// Global Variables
float colorarray[width*height*3];
float vertexarray[width*height*3];
void getKinectData() {
    getDepthData((*GLubyte*) vertexarray);
    getRgbData((GLubyte*) colorarray);
void drawKinectData() {
    for (int i = 0; i < width*height; ++i) {
        glColor3f(colorarray[i*3], colorarray[i*3+1], colorarray[i*3+2]);
        glVertex3f(vertexarray[i*3], vertexarray[i*3+1], vertexarray[i*3+2]);

The End! Build and run, making sure that your Kinect is plugged in. You should see a window containing a rotating color point cloud of what your kinect sees.

Previous: Depth Images

Next: Body tracking