Hi everyone!
I decided that it was time to update my old undergrad website, as well as to start writing more regularly. So here I am, and here is my first Edilogue! According to various internet dictionaries, the suffix -logue denotes a particular kind of discourse or communication. So an Edilogue is a communication by me, Edward. Today’s Edilogue will be about my plans for this website.
- A formal research website, with info about my research and publications.
- A personal website to put info about projects and other references that people may find useful.
- A place to write regularly (fingers crossed), with topics including but not
limited to:
- Specific technical topics in vision/graphics related to my research, written for a technical audience
- Other more general topics for a technical audience, including small tutorial-like snippets of things I might encounter during development.
- Broader technical topics, written for technical and nontechnical audiences
- Hobbies, including board games and music
The structure of the website building tools I’m using encourages putting content in a blog-oriented, post-centric manner for ease of organization, so all of my projects will have their own “blog post”. These posts generally will be written in a different style (i.e. less conversational) than my actual blog posts.
Current Content
As of today, the only content is some posts about the more interesting projects I worked on at Princeton, almost directly copied from my old website.
Some content of interest that I will not be porting over:
- My tutorials on using the Kinect for Windows SDK V1 in C++.
- Results of assigned coursework in graphics that I took at Princeton.
Future Content
In the immediate future, I plan to write a nontechnical blog post about why I’m doing graduate study in Graphics. I also want to add some posts about some of my existing side projects, as well as some highlights of the projects I did in my Princeton grad graphics course COS526.
After this I might start writing about my current research. Beyond that, in addition to the categories mentioned above, I may try to formalize some of the advice I am commonly asked to give high schoolers or undergrads.
Site Internals
- Domain name http://ilogues.com from Google Domains
- Hosting by Github Pages
- Basic site framework from Jekyll Boostrap